Castaway Kid by r.b. mitchell

To learn how you can book Rob as a speaker, visit:
or write to:
r.b. mitchell
Friendly Station
P.O. Box 4268
Greensboro, NC 27404-4268

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At Risk Kids Children’s & Group Homes, Detention Centers, Orphanages, Rehab
Book Clubs By speaker phone or in-person when possible
Businesses Customer service, Vision & Sales motivator with 29 years real experience
CBMC Since 1985, from California to Connecticut and internationally
Colleges Contemporary literature, business, sociology, psychology, juvenile justice
Conferences Men, youth and family. Susan shares with women, youth and family.
Kiwanis Rural America to major Metropolis, helping where invited
High School Public or Private, character education -goal setting, non-spiritual or spiritual
Youth Ministries Authentic, engaging messages that connect with youth
Small Groups & Sunday School classes by speaker phone or in-person when possible

Click  to go to to learn how to schedule a speaking engagement.

Click the thumbnail image below to view a video of Rob Mitchell speaking about the story behind "Castaway Kid".

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